The Association of Offshore Renewable Energies was established with the aim of promoting the development of offshore renewable energies, in order to finally turn Italy into a leading player in the industry and thus seize a unique opportunity in terms of job creation and to increase public confidence in offshore renewable energies by involving local communities.
Promoting the development of offshore renewable energies in Italy, by contributing to the creation of a clear, predictable, stable and transparent legal and regulatory framework, which will truly help the sector grow not only in terms of installed capacity, but also in building an Italian supply chain capable of generating wealth and jobs in our country.
Making Italy, at last, a leading industrial player in the development of renewable energies, given the decade-long experience and multiple skills that Italian companies have already acquired and gained in the field of construction and offshore logistics. We face a unique opportunity for our companies, our ports and our universities to work together.
Seizing – through the development of offshore renewable energies – a unique opportunity for the creation of jobs, for the economic and social development of coastal areas, for promoting technological innovation and, in so doing, for reversing the trend in terms of attracting and training talent at an international level, all to the benefit of our country.
Engaging local communities and increasing citizens’ trust in offshore renewable energies and in their contribution to achieving energy independence and supply security, creating major opportunities in terms of growth of the local economy, while respecting the environment.
AERO’S 10-point manifesto
Cooperating with Institutions and Administrations to promote the development of offshore renewable energies, also by establishing guidelines for the assessment and authorisation of plants.
Contributing to the design and construction of offshore facilities that rigorously comply with the principles of environmental protection and compatibility.
Actively seeking synergies and compatibility between offshore renewables and other forms of exploitation of the sea, such as fisheries, aquaculture, navigation and tourism.
Promoting the collaboration between the various players in the industry in order to speed up the achievement of installed power targets as much as possible.
Facilitating discussion and social dialogue between offshore project promoters and the stakeholders involved, such as fishermen’s and environmental associations, local administrations and communities.
Promoting the creation of a national supply chain for the production, assembly, installation, operation and maintenance of offshore plants.
Raising awareness of the economic, social and environmental benefits that the offshore renewables value chain brings to our country, also by means of information campaigns involving citizens and schools.
Contributing to making Italy an international point of reference, particularly in the Mediterranean, for the offshore renewable energy industry.
Working with the education sector to create a training programme for skilled workers coming from the communities living in the areas where the plants will be installed.
Increasing the competitiveness of offshore renewable energies by fostering industrialisation, innovation and research and development, with the aim of reducing electricity generation costs to a minimum.